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Home Improvement Website Case Study

KC Home Improvement

About The Website Development Client & Project

The website development project for KC Home Improvement began with the goal of creating an online presence that accurately reflected the company’s expertise and range of services including Kitchens, Bathrooms, Complete Renovations, Decks, Basements – and much more. The old website was outdated, difficult to navigate, and didn’t highlight the company’s strengths. Our team worked with KC Home Improvement to create a modern and user-friendly website that showcased their work and made it easy for potential clients to find the information they needed.

Our Collaborative and Creative Website Onboarding Process

We started by conducting research on the target market and analyzing the competition to gain insights into what features and functionality the website should have. We then worked with KC Home Improvement to design a website that aligned with their brand and offered a seamless user experience.

As a part of our due diligence and research, we traveled to many of their completed projects to take photos and learn more about KC Home Improvements capabilities and process. These photos communicate expectations and are used throughout the website.

Home Improvement Website on a budget

One of the main challenges of the project was showcasing KC Home Improvement’s extensive range of services without overwhelming the user with too much information. We overcame this by creating clear and concise service pages, each with its own set of relevant images, videos, and testimonials.

Developing Engaging Website Copy

The team at KC Home Improvement are busy, to say the least. Too busy to write website content – as most of our clients are! Plus, they aren’t writers, designers, or website developers – that’s what they hired us for, and we’re grateful they did! We had a great time learning more about the different services, their unique value propositions, and process. We hit the ground writing after we developed a corpus of case notes. Here are a few screenshots from the written verbiage – but we encourage you to check out the content for yourself, on the live website:

SEO – Search Engine Optimization for Renovation Related Keywords in Southern Delaware

We also optimized the website for search engines to help KC Home Improvement rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic. This included optimizing content for engagement (not just keywords) writing impactful headlines, properly tagging pages with Schema Markup and Json Microformats, implementing meta tags and title tag descriptions,  and optimizing images. What’s more, we integrated KC Home Improvement with Delaware Beaches Online to gain backlinks to increase domain authority (we own and operate Delaware Beaches Online). There were several other items completed for SEO, and continue to integrate for search engine marketing, but we’re not about to give away all of our secrets in this case study!

The final website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and effectively highlights KC Home Improvement’s services and expertise. The website now serves as a valuable tool for KC Home Improvement to generate leads, increase visibility, and grow their business in the Delaware Beaches Area.

Want To See The Live Project?